Thursday, March 31, 2016

"For the First Time in Forever..."

I'm baaaaaaa-aaaaack!

When I started this blog, way back when, I was the owner of a Dell laptop, and typing up a blog took no time at all and I was able to do it more easily and frequently.  When that laptop bit the dust, I was gifted an iPad by my husband for Christmas, and while I LOVE my iPad, it is not very convenient for typing long blog posts.  

I didn't realize just how much I missed blogging until my baby boy turned 1 and I realized I had not documented his first year like I had done his sisters.  This made me SO sad, because as a middle child myself, I know he's going to miss that one day.  Sorry, future Austin.  Thankfully, his Daddy does a FANTASTIC job of journaling every few days in a composition notebook.  But it's just not the same. 

So, for my 29th birthday (TODAY!), Christopher surprised me with a brand new Mac laptop!!!  Y'all.  I could not be more excited!  I am ecstatic to get back into the world of blogging and fill up posts about Lucy & Austin's daily doings.

Aaaaannnnnd the new baby's!  That's right -- #3 is on their way!  We found out February 24, 2016.  I got the notion to test when I started gagging while browning turkey meat to make spaghetti, and the smell of tuna made me want to vomit.  So, while Lucy was at dance, I went to Kroger and bought a test, came home and it turned pink RIGHT away -- like, before the control line even had a chance to show up!  I freaked out, went and picked up Lucy and planned how I was going to tell Chris.

I decided to put the test in a bracelet jewelry box that I had saved (I save all of my jewelry boxes) and wrote on the top "Something Special for You..." 

You see, Chris and I had decided to try for a 3rd baby, but the other two took us nearly 6 months before we got pregnant, so we figured it'd take about the same amount of time, we'd get pregnant this summer and have an end of school year baby so I could take the rest of the school year and the summer with the baby.  Turns out, God had a different plan and this baby came a lot sooner!  So, he was not shocked but surprised and VERY happy! 

We kept it a secret, just the two of us for a while, until I started having a weird pain to the right of my belly button... about 4 inches to the right.  They wanted me to come in to make sure it wasn't an ectopic pregnancy, so I rushed up to the doctor.  On March 2, 2016, I saw our baby for the very first time.  Still so tiny, looking nothing more than a little bubble, I could see their heart beating at only 6 weeks 1 day pregnant.  The doctor was thrilled that everything was in place, that he could already see the heartbeat (must be strong!), and said the pain I was feeling must just be ligament pain or gas.  Everything was perfect!

So, when I came home, we told Lucy that I had something in my tummy.  She has been wanting another baby (particularly a sister) for quite some time.  She even asked Santa for one.  She was very excited to learn that there was in fact a BABY in my belly!  We created a fun little video on iMovie and announced it to both of our families that way.  We went and showed it to his parents in person, but I just couldn't stand not telling my family right away and sent them the video over my phone.  

Needless to say, everyone was surprised but THRILLED!  We cannot wait to welcome #3 to our family and round out our family of 5.

Stay tuned... This will be updated a lot more frequently now.

Much love,

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